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2024-2025-NPL-SDG 2 / Association Shanti Med Nepal

SDG 2: Kein Hunger

Association Shanti Med Nepal, Dottikon, Switzerland



Nepal is a South Asian country located between China and India. It is known for its diverse geography, which ranges from the lowlands of the Terai to the high peaks of the Himalayas. Kathmandu is the capital and the cultural and economic centre. Nepal has a rich cultural history, which is reflected in numerous temples and historical sites. The population is ethnically diverse with a variety of languages and religions, especially Hinduism and Buddhism.  

Despite its natural beauty, the country is one of the poorest in the world and is heavily dependent on agriculture. The second highest income comes from the diaspora, who send money to their relatives. Tourism, especially trekking and mountaineering, also plays an important role in the economy. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods and landslides, as well as medical care for the population, pose major challenges.



The Swiss association Shanti Med Nepal was founded in 2008 by Ruth Gonseth from Switzerland. Since 2007, the specialised doctor has spent five to eight months a year working as a volunteer in Nepal. The purpose of the association was initially to provide medical aid to destitute sick and needy people. Thanks to good networking with local Nepalese organisations and authorities, as well as the help of volunteers from Switzerland and Germany, the association has grown steadily. With this growth, support for schools and other social projects have been added.  



Shanti Med Nepal (SMN) supports medical facilities that provide free medical care and rehabilitation for the poorest with medicines, aids and targeted financial donations. In addition, costs for expensive operations are covered if patients cannot afford them. The association also supports boarding schools, schools and retirement homes. Health and food camps are regularly organised in remote villages.

Another major project is the Ratnanagar Hospital in the southern district of Chitwan. With the support of SMN over the last nine years, it has grown from a simple health post to a 100-bed provincial hospital. In order to be ecologically sustainable, a large solar power installation was built on the roof of the hospital building, and waste separation and a modern recycling system were introduced.  

Shanti Med has also been supporting several schools and hostels for a number of years. The largest project is the Navodaya boarding school, where over 300 children have access to an excellent education.



Project: Food camps in the southern region of Nepal

One in six people in Nepal suffers from malnutrition, and women and children are particularly affected. Although cooking is the task of women, Nepalese tradition only allows them to eat at the very end. There is often not much left over to fill them up.

Shanti Med Nepal therefore organises regular health and food camps in villages where there is a lack of medical care and where people suffer from hunger and malnutrition. People from the Chepang ethnic group, who are among the poorest indigenous peoples in Nepal, live in these villages.

In addition to food, warm blankets and clothes, handmade knitwear from Switzerland and toys are also distributed. Food camps are organised in around 40 villages every year. Products are distributed to the selected families and children.

Website Association
Shanti Med Nepal

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