2024-62-CHE-SDG 8 / Association “Job-Werkstatt”
2024-62-CHE-SDG 8 / Association “Job-Werkstatt”
Switzerland, Canton of Zürich, district of Affoltern am Albis
The district of Affoltern is located in the south-west of the Canton of Zurich between the Albis mountain range and the Reuss river. With 56,899 (2022) inhabitants, it is one of the largest in Switzerland in terms of population (ranked 54 out of 148). The district is identical to the Knonaueramt region (also Knonauer Amt), and is popularly known as Säuliamt. The district of Affoltern comprises 14 municipalities. Many municipalities belong to the Zurich conurbation, but part of the population is also orientated towards Zug. Nevertheless, the Knonaueramt - especially the southern part - is still considered a largely rural region in the Canton of Zurich.
“Job-Werkstatt” (job workshop) – labour integration for people with a refugee background - is a politically and religiously neutral association based in Ottenbach. The association was founded at the end of January 2021 and started its practical work in autumn 2021. A team of currently 54 people (volunteers and members) empower refugees for successful professional integration by means of a specific training and support programme.
There are many refugees in the district of Affoltern who are looking to enter the Swiss labour market. The vast majority of refugees want to work, integrate into society and earn their own living. Many also have relevant work experience and a wide range of skills. However, their qualifications often do not meet the Swiss standard and they lack knowledge and experience of Swiss laws and application processes. In addition, the lack of German language skills presents many with almost insurmountable barriers.
The target group of the association “Job-Werkstatt” are refugees aged 15-55 with residence permits F, B or S, living in the district of Affoltern, who are motivated to work in Switzerland. The proportion of women and young people (up to approx. 30 years of age) is around 85% of the total number of people participating in the project. Most beneficiaries come from Afghanistan, Ukraine, Syria, or Eritrea. The refugees are enabled to integrate into professional and social life by means of educational and support programmes.
“Job Werkstatt” acts as a hub for motivated refugees looking for work in the Knonaueramt, for referring institutions and employers. The acquisition group specifically approaches companies in the region and finds jobs that are not advertised. Last year, 44 people were able to take up a job, start or successfully complete an apprenticeship, do a trial apprenticeship or internship, or pass the entrance exam for secondary school.
Project: education German 2024
Language comprehension and integration go hand in hand. Refugees often not only have to learn a new language, but sometimes also the Latin alphabet. In order to be able to work in this country, they need to understand the language and our culture.
This is exactly where German lessons from “Job-Werkstatt” come in; Teaching the language as part of our culture. Some of the people assigned to the programme already have a basic knowledge of German. The courses on offer therefore primarily provide innovative and interactive opportunities to improve conversation in practice, e.g. with excursions, company visits, etc., always focussed on the future field of work, so that they can communicate fluently in the working environment. Childcare is organised for women during lesson times. This ensures that young mothers can also participate.
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