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2024-2025-ZAF-SDG 4 / Foundation House of Encouragement

SDG 4: Quality Education

Foundation House of Encouragement, Bubikon, Switzerland

Country / Place

South Africa, Township Soshanguve

The Republic of South Africa borders the Indian Ocean to the south and southeast and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. To the north are the neighbouring states of Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe, to the northeast Mozambique, and to the east Eswatini. The Republic of South Africa has three capitals: the executive government is in Pretoria, the legislative parliament in Cape Town, and the Supreme Court in Bloemfontein. The township of Soshanguve is located around 30 kilometres northwest of Pretoria. Pretoria is located in the north-east of the country in the province of Gauteng.



The Foundation House of Encouragement was established in 2007 as a private initiative. Although the foundation is fully committed to supporting the vast number of orphans it encounters, it cannot solve the daunting worldwide problem. However, it can make a decisive difference in the lives of individual children.



The orphans of the Soshanguve township are dependent on support. The unemployment rate in this community is around 60% and among young people between 18 and 25 it is even over 85%. They lack perspectives and have no opportunity to pursue their own wishes and goals. The foundation is committed to encouraging and supporting these children.

Day Care Centre: Operation of day care centres for approximately 70 orphans from kindergarten to high school age as well as ensuring qualified staff for the supervision and care of the orphans in all areas (food, psychological and medical care, school education and support, life schooling and help for self-help). In particular, the foundation emphasises social skills and supports the children according to their interests and individual abilities.

Vocational training: In South Africa there are currently no opportunities for vocational training in a dual system ([OH1] theory at vocational school and practice in a company). In order to help as many young people as possible to find employment and earn their own living in a very short time, unemployed young adults are given the opportunity to complete a one-year apprenticeship in various skilled trades and in the hospitality sector.

Individual, intellectual support: Children with the appropriate talent and a strong desire to learn can be accepted into a support programme. As the schools in the township cannot keep up with the standard of public schools, children are sent to boarding schools or public schools from the 7th school year onwards with the aim of enabling them to study at a university or college after finishing school. 


Project: Vocational training

The lack of work and the lack of prospects at home draw young people onto the streets. Particularly from a fatherless society, they often look for a connection with a gang or with young people who turn to alcohol or drugs. The foundation counters this by providing vocational apprenticeships. This project is specifically aimed at intellectually weaker young people who have no chance of higher education or have been unable to finish school. In cooperation with the partner NBI (National Business Initiative), interested orphans of the care centre and potential candidates from the township are selected and prepared in a basic course for the one-year training in theory and practice.

The apprentices in the technical field (e.g. general repairer or assistant plumber) start with a three-month basic theoretical training in a public college. This is followed by nine months of practical training at a company recognised in the industry. Finally, another theoretical block and the final exam are completed at the college.

The apprenticeship in the hospitality sector (front desk, food & beverage, housekeeping) follows the Swiss South African Hospitality Apprenticeship concept and starts directly in a hotel with practical training. At the same time, the apprentices attend theoretical lessons once every two weeks, which are complemented by online modules.

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of Encouragement

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