2024-04-ZWE-SDG 1 / Association Friends of Silveira
2024-04-ZWE-SDG 1 / Association Friends of Silveira
Zimbabwe, Silveira
Zimbabwe, the former British crown colony of Southern Rhodesia, is a landlocked country in southern Africa. The name translates as "stone houses" (Shona language). The country borders South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, and Mozambique. The Zambezi River forms the northern border with Zambia, and the Limpopo River the southern border with South Africa. The country's largest city is the capital Harare.
The village of Silveira is located in the Bikita district in southern Zimbabwe. Silveira is located in one of the poorest areas of an already poor Zimbabwe.
The association "Friends of Silveira" supports a children's home and also orphans in foster families. The organisation began supporting children back in 2007. The association "Friends of Silveira" was founded in 2015 with the aim of providing a home for the orphans in Silveira and enabling them to receive an education.
Orphans and children in need are assigned to the children's home by the local social services. Five so-called "mothers" take care of them on a daily basis. The aim is to give the little ones as happy a childhood as possible in a protected environment. An attempt is made to care for the children in the orphanage for only a few years, and during this time to look for potential adoptive families in the wider family circles of the children or in the neighbourhood, who can take in a child. Thanks to this family integration, there are much better opportunities in adult life.
Ten boys and girls are currently being looked after day and night. Eight of them are not yet three years old and need round-the-clock supervision. In addition, there are usually two to four children in the home who are referred by the social services due to domestic violence. It is the only children's home in the district.
Children, who have found a foster family, continue to be supported by the association through the outreach programme. 23 children in foster families are currently being supported. School fees, school uniforms and school materials are paid for. Every four months, the local project manager visits the children together with a nurse. The situation of the child and family is assessed, and a food package is brought along. This support is very important and helps the mostly very poor families to survive.
By employing local staff, other families in the valley are supported financially. In addition, the garden project supplies the nearby hospital with fresh vegetables, thus ensuring further added value for the region.
The entire project employs 11 people in Silveira, which also means an income for ten local families. Manager Joseph Zimusi is responsible for the organisation of the orphanage and also for looking after the children in the foster families. A social worker is responsible for the welfare of the children and liaising with the social welfare office. Five "mothers" are responsible for the 24-hour care of the orphanage children. The grounds are managed by a gardener and an assistant gardener. Two night guards are responsible for night-time security.
Website Association
Friends of Silveira
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