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2023-2024-KEN-SDG 4 / Association Kindergarten Mavueni

SDG 4: Quality Education

Association Kindergarten Mavueni, Rheinau, Switzerland

Country / Place

Kenya, Mavueni

Kenya is a country in East Africa. It borders South Sudan to the northwest, Ethiopia to the north, Somalia to the northeast, Tanzania to the south, Uganda to the west, and the Indian Ocean to the southeast. The capital and largest city of the country is Nairobi.

The village of Mavueni is located in the east of Kenya near the coast and is a small, scattered settlement. The village is located near the small town of Kilifi on an important traffic route between the big city of Mombasa and the coastal town of Malindi.



The Mavueni Kindergarten project was founded in 2012 by two young Kenyans. In the past, children in this area had little chance to attend kindergarten because of the long distances. However, attending kindergarten for two years is a prerequisite for admission to primary school.

Since 2013, the association in Switzerland has been helping to build and maintain the kindergarten infrastructure. With their contributions, they also ensure that each child receives a healthy lunch and a porridge snack.

The parents pay school fees, which are used, among other things, to pay the teachers' salaries. Unfortunately, due to the poor financial situation of many parents, the association needs to help out almost every month in order to ensure a regular income for the teachers.



The Mavueni Kindergarten is divided into two groups. Besides the kindergarten, they also have a child daycare center with up to 20 children of pre-school age. Five teachers take care of the currently 60 to 80 children (tendency increasing) in three classes and the daycare center.



New kindergarten for the future of the children of Mavueni

Due to the extension of the important Mombasa - Malindi highway, the current kindergarten is in great distress. On the one hand, the safety of the kindergarten children is no longer guaranteed due to the traffic, the noise, and the dust emissions. On the other hand, the loss of land makes it impossible to operate the kindergarten.

The Association Mavueni Kindergarten has therefore bought land and is planning a new building for 80 to 100 children. The new site is in a quiet location in the catchment area of the children in the village. With the help of the parents of the kindergarten children, the land has already been fenced in, and the planning work has been completed. The construction will start in April 2023, and they hope to move from the existing kindergarten to the new one in autumn 2023.

Work on the new kindergarten was completed at the end of October 2023. The kindergarten was handed over to the people of Mavueni in November 2023 with an official inauguration ceremony. Water tanks were also installed to collect rainwater and the surrounding area was transformed into a green oasis by one of the kindergarten's founders.

Website Kindergarten

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