2022-2024-CHE-SDG 8 / LETPack
2022-2024-CHE-SDG 8 / LETPack
Switzerland, Canton Basel-City, Basel
The half-canton of Basel-Stadt (Basel-City) borders the canton of Basel-Landschaft (Basel-Country) to the south, Germany to the north and France to the north-west. The city canton, which consists of the city Basel and the municipalities of Riehen and Bettingen, is the smallest in area and at the same time the most densely populated Swiss canton.
LETPack is a recognised social institution that employs and accompanies people with a mental illness. In everyday life, common values are experienced, and the focus is on the people and their development. It began in May 1983 as a working group with five men and women for three afternoons a week. Today, about 85 people are employed in different areas.
Those interested can choose from working in the following areas: Workshop (shipping, small assembly, packaging), garden, building maintenance, kitchen, and housekeeping. Articles produced in the creative work area are sold in their own "Gschängg Lädeli" (gift-shop) or online. The diversified work is a challenge for the employees and an opportunity for their favourable development.
Work has a high value in our meritocracy and enables participation in social life. Unfortunately, the number of people who, for various reasons, do not, not yet or no longer find a place in the free economy tends to rise.
The protected workshop offers people the opportunity to use their working skills in a meaningful way, to find fixed daily structures and to deepen their confidence in their own competences. With its diverse range of areas, LETPack promotes individual development opportunities. The activities in the protected work area also have an integrative effect on their clientele.
LETPack provides structures for the personal and professional development of mentally ill people. This is a great challenge with the balance between entrepreneurial thinking and social integration, also because the pressure to save money in the social sector is increasing. The institution is not self-sufficient and depends on support. Every grant is important in order to be able to achieve realistic goals.
Every year, people have various support requests that are intended to make everyday life easier, enable innovations as well as further training, maintain existing offers, or simply give joy.
Year 2023 and 2024 / Garden
Through the process of growth in nature, personal development is stimulated, developmental deficits can be made up for, and the newly learned knowledge can slowly be integrated into one's own personality. The work opportunities in horticulture are very diverse and integrated into the rhythm of nature. Various tools and materials are needed to maintain and cultivate the garden.
Year 2022 / Workshop
The versatile and varied work in the workshop means a challenge for the clients and at the same time an opportunity for favourable development. In order to make the daily work easier for everyone involved, two height-adjustable tables were desired work.
Website LETPack
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